
Making Women’s Wealth the New Normal with Lisa Easton

Today we are joined by manifesting and wealth mentor Lisa Easton. Lisa walks us through her marketing strategy and how she helps her clients shift their limited money beliefs so they can create significant financial success in their lives. Lisa shares the top things she learned while working for millionaires and billionaires and how she took those lessons to build her own business. She helps women create wealth in 3 years instead of 30 with her Millionaire Morning Mamas course. Tune in today for some incredible tips on building wealth in your life. 


  • [7:54] What is Lisa Easton currently working on right now?
  • [8:45] What was Lisa’s experience before creating her company, Millionaire Morning Mamas?
  • [9:19] What were the top 3 things Lisa learned working with millionaires and billionaires?
  • [14:33] Why are niches essential and key to business success?
  • [16:22] What made Lisa shift from working with millionaires and billionaires to becoming her own CEO? 
  • [18:35] What was Lisa’s experience being mentored, and why are they essential to business success?
  • [20:35] How doe Lisa run her Millionaire Morning Mamas course?
  • [23:23] What mindset shifts are necessary to reach a 7 figure business?
  • [26:51] What has Lisa’s marketing strategy looked like throughout her business?
  • [30:03] Lisa talks about her next business venture of luxury bags.
  • [32:43] What is Lisa’s 12-week digital course? 


  • Removing limited beliefs about money is the first step to shifting the mindset. Then step into a wealth mindset – embody that through your actions. This will lead you to financial success. Mindset has to shift first; it is the foundation of everything. Most common limiting belief: I’m not capable, and I’m not worthy. 
  • Investing isn’t just financial; you can also invest your time in learning all kinds of skills. There is so much available online for free. If you financially can, investing in courses, 401k, real estate, etc, are great ways to get a return on your investment. 
  • Pay attention to your audience and tribe. They will tell you exactly what it is they want and what their pain points are. Use social media to attract more people and understand what they are wanting. Focus on getting your followers to know, like, and trust you at the beginning of your business, which will build a solid community.  


I am the CEO and Founder of Millionaire Morning Mamas. I’m a mindset and wealth coach with a specific focus and passion for helping women break through their financial ceiling and create a life of first-class financial freedom.

I spent 15+ years directly supporting multi-billionaire executives and got a front-row seat to learn exactly how they used manifestation to attract and create their lives of exponential wealth. Luckily for you – I was taking notes!

I used those skills to take my life from struggling single mom of four with $55k of debt to extraordinary financial success and CEO of multiple thriving businesses in just a few years.

Today, I teach women just like you how to do the same.


Millionaire Morning Mamas Academy Website

Lisa’s Instagram 

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