
Building a Business as a Visionary & Innovator With Wanda Toro Turini

In today’s episode, we are joined by Wanda Toro Turini, podcast host of Rock-It Fuel Podcast, and the Founder of Ketchwords, and Bull’s Eye Innovations. Ketchwords is a texting platform that allows audiences to text for information and get in their email inbox instantaneously. Wanda shares her story of how she started her first business, the struggles of bringing an innovative product to the market that wasn’t ready for it, and rebranding EcoFiles into Ketchwords. Tune in to learn more about what Ketchwords is and how it helps business owners to add to the audience experience and measure audience engagement.       IN THIS EPISODE:

  • [07:25] What is Ketchwords?
  • [12:02] How is Ketchwords different from a hashtag?
  • [20:35] Pivoting back and the emotional attachment that comes with it.
  • [25:45] Rebranding EcoFiles to Ketchwords and how has it been beneficial?
  • [28:04] Wanda’s definition of success.


  • Business owners spend thousands of dollars on printing educational material but don’t know if anybody picks it up or winds up in the garbage. There is no way to measure it. Plus, people don’t like to carry paper materials around.
  • The issue with telling your audience to follow you on social media is that you don’t own that lead. The algorithm owns that lead. Your audience might follow you, but it is the algorithm that decides if your content will be shown.
  • Being a visionary and innovator are common traits of an entrepreneur, but they are the blessing and the curse. Because sometimes you can come to market too quickly or be the first one to market, and people might not be ready for your product or service yet.


Wanda has a Doctorate in Pharmacy and served patients in the critical care and  emergency medicine setting before venturing into the business world as a  marketer for oncology treatments. In 2005, she left a high paying executive  opportunity in the pharmaceutical industry and leapt into the world of  entrepreneurship. Dr. Wanda began her entrepreneurial journey in 2005 pioneering  innovative solutions for multi-billion dollar healthcare companies.

As a Rock Star in marketing and audience engagement, Wanda invented  Ketchwords.com, which is a texting platform destined to be THE Gold Standard  Lead Gen Tool for all experts who love to share their knowledge with audiences. As  an expert speaker herself, Wanda was frustrated with seeing people engaged in  her presentations and not having an easy way to continue the conversation.  Wanda first used Ketchwords to connect with all of those Anonymous Fans in her  audiences. She used her marketing skills to master the tool and massively boost  the ROI of every appearance. She grew her consulting business to $4.2 Million and  was able to expand her team, hire her husband, incorporate travel into her  business and, best of all, invest over $100,000 into her fertility journey.


Wanda’s LinkedIn Profile

Wanda’s Facebook Business Page

Ketchowords Website

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